Power Purchase Service

We put you in contact with the right qualified supplier.


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Power Purchase Service

The Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) has multiple qualified supply options. How do you choose the right Qualified Supplier for your company? Let our team of energy consultants help you understand how the MEM operates, its participants, and what types of products are available. Enerlogix will help you identify the best opportunities and select the best option according to your energy profile.

We are experts in the Wholesale Electricity Market, and we know the different Qualified Supply options. Let us advise you to find the right Qualified Supplier for your company.

1 Identify the best Qualified Supply options

Any Qualified Supplier will tell you that they are the best option for your business. Is this true? Enerlogix is familiar with the Qualified Supply options available and what each Qualified Supplier brings to the table.

After developing a thorough analysis of your energy profile, and reviewing your medium-term goals and needs, we will be able to identify the products to contract. With this information, Enerlogix will request commercial offers that can be aligned with your needs and objectives.

Two men are shaking hands in front of power lines.

2 Get the best rates

As part of our energy management services, our team of energy consultants will seek commercial offers at competitive prices. We will compare different qualified supply options, their products, rates and energy contracts to determine which Qualified Supplier can provide you with the best option at this time and make a transition to the Wholesale Electricity Market possible.

3 Connect without complications

When you work with Enerlogix, we take care of everything – we manage every step of the process from start to finish. This means that the process of connecting your company to the strategic Qualified Supplier is managed entirely by our team of energy consultants.

4 Energy purchasing begins at Enerlogix

The process of identifying, negotiating and contracting with the best qualified supply option can be difficult and confusing, especially if you are not familiar with the Wholesale Electricity Market. Rather than taking on this responsibility yourself, speak with an experienced energy consultant.

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